Winter Grayling supplementary ticket for TD7 Residents - Ettrick Grayling Water
Purchased permit can be collected from Colin @ Turnbull's Shoe Repairs, situated on 53 Selkirk High Street.
* Please note that this supplementary ticket can only be purchased in conjunction with Brown Trout Season permit and only available to club members resident in the TD7 catchment and watershed of the Rivers Ettrick & Yarrow.
* Please take receipt as proof of purchase if buying at our secure online store.
* Permit / ticket can also be posted to customers home address for additional postage cost of £1.65
* Season runs from 1st January to 31st March 2026

Additional Information & Grayling Beat Map
Winter Grayling supplementary slip can be purchased in conjunction with Brown Trout Season Permit for members resident in TD7 catchment or watershed of the rivers Ettrick or Yarrow. This allows the member to fish for Grayling Only from 1st January to 31st March 2026. Fly / Nymph fishing between the areas detailed on map. No Sunday Fishing
Anyone found fishing without a valid trout permit and this slip may be liable to prosecution.
Ettrick Grayling Water - North Bank, from where the Linglie Burn enters the Ettrick downstream to the Nettle Burn.
South Bank, from below the Road Bridge downstream to opposite Bridgheugh House. See map for boundary limits.
This slip and trout season permit must be shown on request. Signed Chairman - James Handyside