Blog News & Links from around the "Fishing" community

S. &. D. A. A.  - Members Info 

The Brown Trout season is fast approaching, kicking off on the 1st April, permits available at our online store or can be picked up from Colin @ Turnbull’s Shoe Repair for cash only sales. Tight lines๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŸ

River Tweed Commission (RTC)  

The River Tweed Commission (RTC) is a statutory body with responsibility within the River Tweed and Eye catchment for the protection and improvement of it’s Salmon, Sea-trout and other freshwater fish.

FishPal - Newsletter  - Water Levels - Journal

Fishing permits for salmon, trout and grayling. We are the trusted online information system, since 2003, for anglers and those new to fishing, providing impartial advice, up-to-date catches for salmon and sea trout, river level data and the latest fishing availability