Welcome to Selkirk & District Angling Association - Est. 1861

Discover the beauty of fishing the Rivers Ettrick & Yarrow in some of the most majestic scenery the Scottish Borders can offer with Selkirk & District Angling Association. We are dedicated to promoting angling in the Scottish Borders while abiding by the Tweed Angling Codes.

A Hundred Years of Fishy Skulduggery

This is the remarkable story of how a small group. Of fishing enthusiasts, the Angling Association from Selkirk, won back salmon fishing rights on the Ettrick Water - a river in the Borders of Scotland and tributary of the Tweed - which the Burgh had for hundreds of years. The rights had been taken over in doubtful circumstances in 1912 by the Crown representatives and were regained in 2016. The tale spans two centuries and ended after 24 years of dogged research, single-minded campaigning and a great deal of luck. It involved three estates and a total of roughly five miles of leased fishing rights on both banks of the river. It is essentially the story of long legal battle. What the Crown charged £1 for in 1912 became £4,700 in 2003. We didn’t think that was right!  

River Watch / Keeper

Selkirk & District Angling Association abides by a strict "Catch & Release Policy" for all fish species on our waters. To help enforce this policy we will have "River Watch / Keepers" patrolling and checking fishing permits to ensure that our members / visitors are complying with the relevant River Tweed & Eye Protections orders. Anybody found to be fishing illegally will be reported to the (RTC) Fishery Officer. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of fish can I expect to catch?

You can expect to catch Salmon, Sea-trout, Brown Trout and Grayling in our waters.

Selkirk & District Angling Association abides strictly to a "Catch & Release" Policy for all our freshwater species.

Can I purchase and pay for Permits / Tickets online

Yes, Permits / Tickets can be purchased at our secure online store. Please select Buy Permit on menu bar and you will be guided through the process. Payment Options are PayPal / Credit or Debit card. Bank Transfer - Details supplied when order has been submitted. Or cash purchase at Turnbull's Shoe Repair at 53 High Street, Selkirk. TD7 4BZ. Thanks

Do I need to bring my own fishing gear?

Yes; Members / Visitors are responsible for supplying their own waders and all necessary fishing gear. The association cannot be held responsible for damage to equipment or personnel injury. All members / visitors are fishing at their "Own Risk" Please consider the river conditions carefully prior to entering the water.

Are fishing permits required?

Fishing permits are required for all anglers to comply with local regulations. Permit for Juniors under 16 years are issued for "FREE" 

Where can I purchase or collect permits / tickets

Permits / Tickets can be purchased online at our secure store, and collected in person from Colin @ Turnbull's Shoe Repair shop at 53 High Street, Selkirk. TD7 4BZ

Also note that permits can be purchased on a "Cash Only" basis at the retail address noted above.

Daily Opening Times - 09:00hrs to 17:00hrs Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri, Wed - 09:00hrs - 16:00hrs

Closed for Lunch between 12:40hrs - 13:20hrs

Permits / Tickets can also be posted to your home address for an additional postage cost. Please select option at check-out. Thanks.

Does the Association provide insurance cover for any activities on the river.

NO, Selkirk & District Angling Association does not provide any insurance cover and would encourage clients to consider purchasing their own. All members / visitors are fishing at their "Own Risk" Please consider the river conditions carefully prior to entering the water.

I had an amazing experience fishing with Selkirk District Angling Association. The scenery was breathtaking and the fishing was top-notch.”

( Allan Bell )

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